Navigating the Toddler Terrain: Best Parenting Tips to Manage Your Toddlers 


It’s exciting to see your child grow up as they learn to walk, eat properly, and speak to people. The more exciting it is, the more concern it brings as you no longer have control over them as they are able to move from here to there in seconds. As it is a time of great cognitive, emotional, and social development for your child, you will not want to restrict them from experimenting with different things and learning but one major aspect of the concern is their safety as toddlers are prone to putting anything in their mouth and playing with anything which makes them come in the contact of millions of bacteria and choke something. While you will want to see them learning things as they become toddlers, it is also essential to take care of them if they don’t harm themselves. 

Let’s dive into the tiny world of toddlers and provide you with the best tips to manage your toddlers as you hustle with your daily life through this blog. 

Understanding Toddler Parenting

There is no doubt that looking after your toddlers is a daunting task and while you are working or looking at the whole house, it can be more difficult for you. When you understand that this is a crucial age for the holistic development and well-being of your child, it can help you to manage things greatly along with looking after your household or job. But what are the best tips for managing toddlers?

Let’s introduce you to some of the best tips for managing your toddlers that will make your parenting journey a lot more enjoyable and easy. 

Best Tips to Manage Your Toddlers

  • Establishing a Daily Routine: If you don’t want to suppress the innocence of your child by sending them to play school and want to spend more quality time with them, planning a daily routine will be a great help for you in which you can manage everything from fun filled learning to spending quality time with them in the garden. This daily routine which includes every aspect of life can help them boost their confidence and they will grow up as a confident and knowledgeable teenager. But consistency plays an important role in developing a routine because there are some areas in which your child can show great disinterest but with time he can develop his interest in things. Include regular meal times, playtime, and other activities in your routine. 
  • Encouraging Independence: Encouraging independence is crucial when you want to see your toddler learn everything- from small to big. Controlling the wishes and activities of your child in this crucial age can make a profound impact on their teen-age and adult as they can feel unheard and ununderstood which can cause them mental stress and depression in the long term. You can make them learn a lot of things while encouraging independence simultaneously. Teach them hygiene maintenance by making them choose between options like which clothes they want to wear. Similarly, you can foster the habit of healthy eating by making them pick between two fruits or vegetables when you don’t want them to be addicted to unhealthy snacks. 
  • Model Behavior: Till the time when your child is not exposed to the external world, you are the whole world for them and thus, their role models too. As children are super fast in learning things by imitating them, you have to first inculcate good qualities into yourself and work on the negative ones. So, that your child grows up by taking these habits from you and you can proudly say that he has taken most of your qualities when he becomes a grown-up man. Be kind, patient, and resilient and your child will grow up by taking the most essential qualities from you to handle the ups and downs of life. 
  • Open Communication: This is so common that whenever a toddler does something wrong, everyone shouts at him but doesn’t explain why that thing was wrong. Whenever your child does something wrong, he is not aware of what will be the result of that thing. In this case, if you use a harsh tone and a high tone, he will become afraid of expressing what is going on inside him and this can become habitual in him and can make him cut out from people. Use simple language to explain things and be gentle when you set limits. Celebrate the achievements of your toddlers even if it is a small thing, it will foster confidence in them and they will be encouraged to do the right things. 


Remember that toddlers are at a crucial age which makes them understand various things and it is the time when they spend almost the whole day with you. Thus, they will take the most of things from you- the bad, the good. So, witness your activities when you are managing your toddlers and try to be gentle, graceful, and kind so that they will be good humans tomorrow before anything else. 

Struggling to manage your life with your toddlers? You’ve come to the right place- that is dedicated to parents. Keep it up with us and witness your child fostering the most essential and good qualities in him.

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Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

Picture of Anshu Shrivastava

Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

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