7 Fun and Educational Activities to Keep Kids Engaged at Home


Children are very tough to manage. Constantly moving from here and there to spreading all the things on the floor and putting everything in their mouths, they want the freedom to do anything. But it can be very difficult for parents to manage their kids. While children want fun all the time, one of the biggest concerns of parents is to make them learn something so that they grow into responsible, mature, and sincere adults. While kids want to play and have fun every time, it can be challenging. So, if you are a parent to kids and children, let’s make the journey easy for you. 

This blog will include 7 fun and educational activities that will not only keep your children engaged at home but will make them learn. If you are a new parent, make sure that you follow Parenting by Anshu for the best parenting tips for parents along with the convenience of taking a parenting skills course online

7 Best Fun and Educational Activities for Kids at Home 

Following are 10 fun and educational activities for kids at home: 

1. Conversation with Family Members: In today’s world where freedom and independence have become a common aspiration for a person, it is less probable that families live with their grandparents. But if they live with their senior members, it is a great perk for not only their guidance but also for children and kids at home. We will all hear that the days of grandma’s stories have gone, but when you have a person in the family, who loves to engage with children, it will keep them engaged while making them learn at the same time. Children are curious and thus, a conversation with a family member on a regular basis can dramatically enhance their cognitive skills. Additionally, if the children have grandparents to recite their stories, it works upon their imagination and rational skills. 

2. Solving Puzzles:  Puzzles not only keep them engaged and busy for a long time, it comes with a number of benefits. Solving Mathematical and Grammatical puzzles enhances the rational and critical skills of children. Apart from this, solving puzzles makes your children acquire many skills like developing memory skills, as well as an ability to plan, test ideas, and solve problems. Learn how to take care of your children with Parenting by Anshu.  It is also a great platform if you want to take online self-improvement courses. 

3. Exploring Cultures: Exploring the world around significantly changes the perspectives of a person and it is important to expose various cultures and the rituals related to your culture and religion to keep them connected to their roots. While it is becoming so common that today’s generation is ignorant of their own religion and cultural roots, it is important to make your children learn where they come from. While we can see examples of constant acquisition and domination, China being one of the biggest examples, it is awareness of their roots to protect them from any type of manipulation and brainwashing. 

4. Being Creative: Ignite the inner artist out of your children by motivating them to become creative. While you are not confirmed about letting your children play outside, it is a great time to let them spark their creativity through origami or painting. You can use tutorials, paintings, and images for their motivation if they are interested in creativity. 

5. Gardening: While it may seem a small step, making your children connect with nature through these small steps allows for long-term impacts. Research shows that people who stay in touch with nature are usually happier in life. We can simply test this by staying home for some days, especially in the evenings, when you are mostly free, and then try to give yourself some time even 15 minutes to go outside away from the traffic and the hustle of people for some days regularly. Connecting with nature evokes positive emotions like calmness, joy, and creativity. Additionally, more mature and understanding children can grow up as adults who take environmental issues seriously and do something significant. 

Make your children learn more with our online parenting tips and courses. 

6. Making them Learn to cooperate: While we are living in the so-called modern age, life nowadays has still not got freedom from the ancient patriarchal mentality. Most of the people think that household chores are the only jobs of the females, even now. Make your children learn that when good food is the demand of both male and female then cooking the food and washing the dishes also should be the job of both. This makes them more responsible family members. 

7. Making Them Understand the Digital Detox: Digital devices have become an essential part of our lives, which will never be separated. While children will see you using your phones and laptops and they can also be addicted to it if you don’t make them understand why it is not important for them yet. Make them understand that you are using those devices for a particular purpose. While digital devices not only impact the mental health of children, they greatly damage their physical health. Make them understand why the overuse of digital screens is not good for them with relevant and significant examples and data. 

Want to know more about how to make your parenting journey more memorable? 

Our online parenting tips and courses will be a great help for you. 


Childhood is not only the age of the optimum development of a person, it is the time when he is the most curious about life and wants to learn as much as he can because he is curious about everything. While children are masters at imitating, everything that they see, listen, and watch has a great impact on them. So, make sure that before you make them learn something, they are not forced to do so. Incorporate such habits into your routine so that they automatically take those positive habits from you. 
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Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of parentingbyanshu.com. I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

Picture of Anshu Shrivastava

Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of parentingbyanshu.com. I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

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