Involve your Children in Family Customs and Culture

Family in traditional folk dresses celebrating family customs and culture


A family is a place where one can relax, can talk to anyone without being scared or anxious. A family is where you get emotional and physical security.

Family customs and Culture are the unique practices that a family engages in, forming an integral part of its identity. These cherished traditions are often passed down from generation to generation, creating a sense of continuity and connection among family members.

Why are family customs and rituals essential?

Family customs are the unique practices which a family alone does. These practices are the identity of the family.

These customs may be handed down from their parents, grandparents and relatives.

Those Family customs and culture are as under:

1. Celebrating religious and cultural festivals.

Participating in religious and cultural festivals provides children with a window into their heritage and the values that define their family. These celebrations offer an opportunity for families to come together, share stories, and engage in meaningful traditions that help children understand their roots.

2. Having dinner all together

Gathering around the dinner table fosters a sense of togetherness and communication. Beyond just sharing a meal, this practice encourages open discussions, allows family members to share their daily experiences, and strengthens the bonds between parents and children.

3. Listening to soothing music in the morning

Starting the day with calming music can set a positive tone for the entire family. This ritual not only provides a serene environment but also teaches children the importance of starting their day mindfully.

4. Playing a sport at the weekend

Engaging in physical activities as a family promotes a healthy lifestyle while creating lasting memories. Playing a sport together encourages teamwork, friendly competition, and helps children develop essential motor skills.

5. Visiting a specific place on some designated day of the week

Having a designated day for family outings to a specific location cultivates a sense of anticipation and excitement. Whether it’s a park, museum, or any other spot, this practice builds a shared tradition that children can look forward to.

6. Sharing the daily experience at the dinner table

Dinnertime discussions offer a platform for family members to talk about their day, share achievements, and discuss challenges. This promotes active listening, empathy, and a supportive atmosphere within the family.

7. Writing diaries is also Family Customs and culture

Encouraging children to maintain diaries fosters self-expression and introspection. It allows them to reflect on their experiences, emotions, and growth over time.

8. Also travelling once or twice a year

Family trips provide an opportunity for exploration, learning, and bonding. Traveling exposes children to new cultures, places, and experiences, broadening their horizons and enhancing their understanding of the world.

9. Celebrating achievements and essential days like birthdays, anniversaries

Recognizing and celebrating achievements, birthdays, and anniversaries instills a sense of pride and belonging. Acknowledging these milestones reinforces the value of family support and love.

10. Watching favourite sports or TV series or movie

Enjoying a shared sports game, TV series, or movie encourages shared interests and provides a platform for discussion and enjoyment. This practice also helps children learn how to engage in healthy entertainment choices.

11. Greeting each other every morning

Starting the day with warm greetings creates a positive atmosphere. This simple act fosters a sense of consideration and respect among family members.

12. Staying Connected with Extended Family is Family customs and culture

Encouraging communication with distant relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins promotes a sense of belonging and strengthens family ties. Technology can be leveraged for virtual interactions and maintaining relationships across distances. Welcoming extended family members into the home creates lasting memories and strengthens family bonds. These interactions allow children to learn from different perspectives and gain a sense of belonging within a larger community.

13 Meeting new people and getting involved.

Encouraging children to engage with new people and communities exposes them to diverse perspectives and helps them develop strong social skills. This practice prepares them for interacting positively with others outside the family.

15 Prohibition of physical abuse and hurt.

Establishing a safe and respectful environment is crucial for nurturing a child’s emotional well-being. A firm stance against physical abuse and hurtful behavior teaches children the importance of empathy and compassion.

These customs may be anything which all the family members enjoy and have a common interest.

What is the Impact of Family Customs and Culture on Child Development

Engaging in family customs and rituals contributes significantly to a child’s holistic development. These practices create an environment of communication, understanding, and connection within the family. Children benefit in several ways:

Decision-Making Skills:

Participating in family activities helps children develop decision-making skills as they learn to contribute their opinions and make choices that affect the group.

Communication Skills:

Sharing experiences, thoughts, and emotions during family rituals enhances children’s communication skills, enabling them to express themselves effectively.

Understanding Family History:

Through these customs, children gain insight into their family’s history, values, and traditions. This knowledge helps them develop a sense of identity and pride in their heritage.

Strong Family Bonds:

Regular engagement in family customs strengthens the emotional bonds between family members. It fosters a sense of togetherness and support, creating a safe and nurturing environment.

Values and Beliefs:

Family traditions often carry important values and beliefs. By participating in these rituals, children absorb these principles, which shape their character and guide their actions.

Connections, communications and love between the family members create a strong family bond.

A family is where you get emotional and physical security.

Anshu Shrivastava

A family is a place where one can relax, can talk to anyone without being scared or anxious.

The Family accepts and understands you even when you are angry or overwhelmed.

Anshu Shrivastava

He/she develops the ability to explore the world without fear. In addition to this, the child knows that whenever he/she needs comfort and support and protection, the family will always stand by them. Good communication solves many problems.

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Example to know Family Cultures and Customs by celebrating Sharad Purnima –

Sharad Purnima is a religious festival celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Ashvin. This falls at the end of the monsoon season.

The full moon date of this year’s Ashwin month will start on Saturday, October 28. So, Sharad Purnima will be celebrated on 28th October 2023.

Celebrating Sharad Purnima with children can be a wonderful way to instill traditions and cultural values in them. Here are some creative and engaging ideas for parents to celebrate Sharad Purnima with their children:


Share age-appropriate stories related to Sharad Purnima, such as the legend of Lord Krishna’s Ras Lila or stories about the significance of the full moon in Hindu mythology. Make it an interactive storytelling session, asking questions and encouraging children to ask questions too.

Moon Gazing:

Spend some quality time outdoors with your children, looking at the full moon. Talk about the significance of the moon in Indian culture and share stories or poems related to the moon. You can even set up a moon-gazing picnic with moon-themed snacks.

Traditional Cooking:

Get your children involved in the kitchen to help prepare traditional Sharad Purnima dishes like kheer, poha, or malpua. Explain the significance of these foods and how they are offered to the moon as a form of gratitude.

Art and Craft:

Organize a Sharad Purnima-themed art and craft session. Children can create their own paper lanterns, paper moons, or drawings related to the festival. This activity not only allows them to express their creativity but also helps them connect with the festival visually.

Prayer and Puja:

Involve your children in the evening puja (worship) dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. Explain the significance of the puja, the offerings, and the importance of seeking blessings for prosperity and well-being.

Family Bonding by teaching family customs and cultures:

Most importantly, use this festival as an opportunity to strengthen family bonds. Spend quality time with your children, share stories, and engage in conversations about traditions and cultural values.

By involving children in these activities and explaining the cultural and spiritual significance of Sharad Purnima, parents can pass on the rich traditions of their heritage and instill a sense of pride and belonging in their children. These experiences can create lasting memories and foster a deep appreciation for their cultural roots.


In conclusion, family customs and culture play a pivotal role in a child’s growth and development. They foster communication, understanding, and connection within the family unit, helping children develop essential life skills and a strong sense of identity. As parents, embracing and nurturing these customs can have a profound and lasting impact on the well-being and development of their children.

These practices strengthen the relationship between the members of the family. To perform these practices family members have to communicate with each other. Healthy communication is the key ingredient to nurturing affection among all.

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Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

Picture of Anshu Shrivastava

Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

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