7 Healthy Eating Habits to Inculcate In children

Women is preparing meal very happily


Discover effective strategies to promote healthy eating, including communication, education about health consequences, and involving children in meal preparation

Improper eating habits in children can pose a significant challenge for parents for Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Children. 

Children often resist consuming proper meals at the right time and in the right quantity. Instead of opting for healthy vegetables, they are drawn to sweets and snacks readily available at home. 

Burgers, pizzas, pastries, and other junk foods capture their attention, making them crave these items every time they step outside. This common parenting problem results in children not eating the right food at the right time and instead preferring an unhealthy diet.

In this article we will discuss effective strategies for Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Children. 

7 Healthy Eating Habits for Tackling Improper Eating Habits in Children

1 Educate about healthy food choices-

 Forcing children to eat healthier options rarely yields positive results. Instead, it is necessary to empower them with knowledge and help them understand the impact of their food choices on their overall well-being.

Start by engaging in open conversations about the effects of continued consumption of junk foods, showcasing examples of obesity and health issues. This approach allows children to feel intelligent and capable of understanding how different foods can affect their bodies.

How can a parent communicate with children to develop healthy eating habits?

Parent: “Let’s learn together about the importance of eating nutritious foods. We can watch videos or read books that explain how different foods affect our bodies. Understanding how healthy foods provide us with energy and help us grow can make it easier for you to make good food choices.”

In this example, the parent emphasizes the importance of education about healthy food choices. By involving the child in learning about the benefits of nutritious foods, the parent aims to create awareness and empower the child to make better food choices.

2 Make healthy meals together: 

One effective strategy is to involve children in various activities in the kitchen. By participating in meal preparation, they can witness firsthand how a nutritious and well-balanced meal is made. This involvement not only provides them with practical knowledge about healthy ingredients and cooking techniques but also instils a sense of pride and ownership in their food choices.

Parent: “How about we cook a meal together? We can choose a recipe that includes a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits. It will be fun to explore different flavors and textures, and you’ll feel proud of preparing a nutritious meal.”

Here, the parent encourages the child’s involvement in meal preparation. By engaging in cooking activities together, the child can develop an appreciation for healthy ingredients and gain a sense of accomplishment when enjoying the nutritious meal, they helped create.

Create a balanced meal plan: Parent: “Let’s create a meal plan together for the week. We’ll make sure to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. You can also choose a healthy snack option for each day. This way, we’ll have a balanced and nourishing diet.”

In this scenario, the parent collaborates with the child to create a meal plan that incorporates a variety of nutritious foods. By involving the child in the decision-making process, they can feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their food choices.

3 Create a supportive food environment-

Develop healthy eating habits in children is not a difficult task. Parents must make conscious efforts to achieve the target.

How can they involve children in making a supportive environment?

Parent: “Let’s make our home a healthy food zone. We will stock up on nutritious snacks like fresh fruits, yogurt, and nuts. We can limit the presence of sugary snacks and soda at home, so we’re less tempted to reach for them.”

Here, the parent focuses on creating a supportive food environment at home. By keeping the house stocked with healthy snack options and minimizing the availability of unhealthy foods, the parent encourages the child to make better choices and fosters a healthier overall eating environment.

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4 Lead by example:

Parent: “I’m going to make a conscious effort to eat healthier too. Let’s support each other in making better food choices. We can try new recipes together and encourage each other to include more fruits and vegetables in our meals.”

Here, the parent acknowledges their own role in modelling healthy eating habits. By demonstrating a commitment to making positive changes in their own diet, the parent encourages the child to do the same. This creates a supportive environment where both parent and child can work together towards healthier eating habits.

Encourage mindful eating: Parent: “Let’s practice mindful eating together. Before each meal, let’s take a moment to appreciate the food in front of us, chew slowly, and savor each bite. By being more mindful of what we eat, we can better understand our hunger and fullness cues and make healthier choices.”

In this scenario, the parent introduces the concept of mindful eating to the child. By encouraging them to be present and attentive while eating, the parent promotes a better connection with their body’s signals, fostering healthier eating habits and portion control.

5 Consistency and positive reinforcement are essential in tackling children’s unhealthy eating habits-

Parents cannot expect children to adopt healthy habits just by teaching them once. This is a continuous process.

Parents can make a significant difference by consistently involving their children in making food choices, teaching them about nutrition, and setting a healthy eating example. This approach ensures that children not only understand the importance of making nutritious choices but also feel empowered to make such decisions for themselves as they grow.

Eventually, Kids develop and maintain long-term healthy eating habits, which benefit their overall well-being.

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6 Make healthy food appealing to inculcate healthy eating habits:

Parent: “Let’s make eating healthy foods more fun! We can create colourful fruit skewers or arrange vegetables in a creative way to make them look like a funny face on the plate. Making healthy food visually appealing can make it more enticing for you to try.”

In this example, the parent suggests making healthy food visually appealing and enjoyable for the child. By presenting fruits and vegetables in an appealing manner, the parent aims to increase the child’s interest in trying nutritious options.

7 Set a consistent mealtime routine:

Parent: “Having a regular mealtime routine can help us establish healthy eating habits. Let’s decide on specific times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. By following a routine, we’ll create a structured environment that promotes mindful eating.”

Here, the parent emphasizes the importance of a consistent mealtime routine. By setting specific times for meals, the parent helps the child develop a sense of structure and encourages them to eat at appropriate intervals, reducing the tendency to snack on unhealthy foods throughout the day.

Remember that each child is unique, so it’s essential to tailor the solutions to their preferences and needs. By implementing a combination of these strategies and consistently reinforcing healthy eating habits, parents can help their children develop a positive relationship with food and make nutritious choices.


In conclusion, addressing improper eating habits in children requires a proactive and mindful approach. Rather than relying on force, parents can opt for strategies that focus on communication, education about the health consequences of poor dietary choices, and involving children in meal preparation. By empowering children to make informed decisions and appreciate the value of nutritious meals, parents can pave the way for healthier eating habits and overall well-being.

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Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of parentingbyanshu.com. I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

Picture of Anshu Shrivastava

Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of parentingbyanshu.com. I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

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