7 Ways to Control Kids’ Screen Time in 2024

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Explore effective strategies and practical tips for managing and controlling children's digital device use, promoting a healthy balance between technology and offline activities.

In today’s world of technology it is challenging to control kid’s screen time as it has become an integral part of our daily lives.

As parents, we are witnessing the rapid advancements in technology. Although there are negative effects of technology on everyone, it is also important to know that technology has positive effects. So, we need to use technology in an effective way.

In this article, we will explore effective strategies and practical tips for controlling children’s Screen Time and digital device use.

By implementing these strategies, parents can control children’s screen time and strike a balance between technology use and offline activities.

1 Establishing specific rules and time limits –

Establishing specific rules and time limits for device usage is essential in controlling children’s digital device use. Communicate these rules to your child and enforce them consistently. For example, you can set a limit of one or two hours of screen time per day. By providing clear boundaries, children understand the expectations and can manage their time effectively.

Mother scolding daughter for over using of screen

2 Introducing children to a variety of activities –

Introducing children to a variety of activities that do not involve digital devices is crucial for reducing their dependence on technology. Outdoor play, reading books, engaging in arts and crafts, sports, or hobbies can capture their interest and provide alternative sources of entertainment. By offering a range of activities, children can develop a well-rounded set of interests and skills.

Group of children standing with school bags and planning to play outdoor rather spending time on screen

3 Leading by Example to control kid’s screen time–

 Parents play a vital role in shaping their children’s behaviour. By practicing healthy device habits, themselves, parents can be positive role models for their children. Limiting personal screen time and engaging in offline activities demonstrate the importance of balance and encourage children to explore other interests beyond digital devices.

4 Designating Device-Free Zones-

 Designating specific areas in your home where devices are not allowed, such as the dinner table or bedrooms, helps create boundaries. Similarly, establishing device-free times, such as during family meals or an hour before bedtime, promotes face-to-face interaction and quality time together as a family.

5 Utilizing Parental Control Tools to control screen time-

 Parental control features and apps offer additional support in managing children’s device usage. These tools allow you to set time limits, restrict access to certain apps or websites, and monitor your child’s online activities. By utilizing these tools, parents can enforce the rules and ensure a healthier balance between screen time and other activities.

6 Participating in activities –

Engaging in Joint Activities with your child that involve interaction and fun strengthens your bond while providing alternative entertainment. Engaging in board games, puzzles, cooking, or outdoor activities encourages quality time together and reduces reliance on digital devices.

Group of children engaged in different activities other than screen time

7 Promoting Social Interaction to control kids’ screen time –

Encouraging your child to engage in face-to-face social interactions with friends and family is crucial for their social development. Arrange playdates, support participation in clubs or community activities, and encourage extracurricular interests that involve interaction with peers.

People hanging around, partying, socializing and not spending time on screen

Practical tips to control children’s screen time –

How to talk to children to stop using digital devices?

Example 1: 

Parent: “Hey, let’s go outside and play a game of Badminton together. We can have fun and get some exercise!” 

Child: “But I want to keep playing on my phone.” 

Parent: “I understand you enjoy playing on your phone, but it’s important to have a balance. Outdoor activities can be just as exciting. Let’s give it a try, and if you don’t enjoy it, we can come back inside and you can have some phone time later.”

In this example, the parent suggests an alternative outdoor activity and emphasizes the benefits of physical play. They offer a compromise by allowing the child to have phone time later if they give the outdoor activity a chance.

Example 2:


“Today, let’s have a family game night. We can play board games together and have fun as a family.” Child: “But I want to keep playing my video game.” 

Parent: “Board games can be just as enjoyable, and it’s a great way to spend time together as a family. Let’s try it tonight, and you can play your video game later.”

Here, the parent proposes a family-oriented activity that encourages social interaction and engagement. They highlight the value of spending quality time together as a family and offer the child the opportunity to play their video game after the board game session.

Example 3:

Parent: “It’s time to turn off your devices now. We can watch a movie together or read a book.” Child: “I don’t want to stop playing on my tablet!” Parent: “I understand it’s hard to stop, but it’s important to give your eyes and mind a break. Let’s choose a movie or a book that we can enjoy together, and you can have some device time later.”

In this scenario, the parent acknowledges the child’s reluctance to stop using their device but emphasizes the need for balance and rest. They propose an alternative leisure activity that the child can engage in with the family and suggest the child can have device time later as a reward for taking a break.

By providing real-life examples and offering alternatives that cater to the child’s interests, parents can help redirect their attention away from digital devices and encourage participation in alternative activities. The key is to communicate the benefits of balance and actively engage with the child in finding enjoyable offline experiences.

How does technology help Children?

1 It makes your children Responsible Digital Citizens: 

Digital gadgets and equipments  lIke ATM are useful for people

It is important to teach children about responsible digital citizenship for the safe and ethical use of technology. Parents should teach children about the potential risks of the digital world, including cyberbullying, online privacy. 

Children should also know the importance of protecting personal information. Encourage children to think before they post, avoid engaging in negative behaviour, and treat others with respect.

2 It helps in strengthening Family Bonds:

Children watching screen together , learning through technology

 Connecting with Distant Relatives Through Video Chat Technology enables children to maintain and strengthen relationships with family members who live far away. 

Video chat platforms connect kids with distant relatives, fostering meaningful connections and cherished memories.

3 Use of Smart Devices: 

Children using smart devices smartly

Using Wearables and Smartwatches provide opportunities for children to engage in physical activity, set goals, and track their progress. Parents can leverage these devices to encourage healthy habits. Some wearables also offer features like GPS tracking, ensuring children’s safety and providing peace of mind to parents.

4 It boosts Mental Muscles: 

children using technology to learn new things

Some apps and games help children focus and think better. Mindfulness and meditation apps can reduce stress and anxiety and help with attention issues. Using these tools regularly can improve mental skills and overall well-being in kids.

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5 Enhances Creativity: 

Digital tools empower children to express their artistic talents through various platforms and apps. They can delve into photography, music, colouring, and movie-making, exploring different mediums and sharing their creativity with a larger audience. These tools nurture imagination and self-expression.

6 Preparing for the Future: 

Equipping children with Tech Skills for Career Success. In today’s technologically-driven world, acquiring digital literacy and skills is crucial for future career prospects. By introducing children to typing, online communication, problem-solving, and navigating digital environments, parents can help them gain a competitive edge in the workforce. Familiarity with technology opens doors to a wide range of professional opportunities.

7 Expanding Educational Horizons:

The internet provides many learning opportunities for kids. They can access interactive materials, take online courses, and join virtual classrooms. It helps them learn different subjects, improve their skills, and get extra support. Online platforms work well for children with special needs too.

8 Serving Others: 

Using Technology for Acts of Kindness and Assistance Technology can be harnessed to make a positive impact on others. Apps like Be My Eyes connect blind individuals with sighted volunteers who assist them through live video chat. Children can also engage in genealogy projects, help with indexing software, or contribute to online platforms that support various causes. Using technology to serve others teaches empathy and cultivates a sense of social responsibility.

While technology offers incredible opportunities, it is essential to guide and control children’s digital device use.

Conclusion – 

Remember, finding the right balance is crucial for their overall well-being and development. By working together and staying proactive, we can provide our children with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the digital world responsibly and reap the benefits of technology while minimizing its potential drawbacks.

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Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of parentingbyanshu.com. I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

Picture of Anshu Shrivastava

Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of parentingbyanshu.com. I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

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