How should I deal with people who laugh at me

A girl sitting at the stairs in bad and sad mood


The people who stay in a positive and healthy surroundings, are always courteous and honest with everyone.

It is crucial to learn how to handle people who laugh or criticize you, given the prevalent tendency for criticism nowadays.

 let’s explore the story of Milkha Singh, also known as “The Flying Sikh,” for an Indian perspective on overcoming challenges and mockery.

Milkha Singh, born in 1929, faced immense hardship during his early years. He lost his parents during the partition of India in 1947 and witnessed violence that left a lasting impact on him. Determined to rise above his circumstances, Milkha joined the Indian Army.

In the army, he discovered his talent for sprinting. Despite facing initial skepticism and laughter from fellow soldiers due to his rural background, Milkha persevered. He trained rigorously, pushing himself to the limits to improve his speed and endurance.

In 1956, Milkha Singh represented India in the Melbourne Olympics. Despite not winning a medal, he gained valuable experience. The real turning point came in the 1960 Rome Olympics, where Milkha Singh set a new national record and finished fourth in the 400 meters final. Though he narrowly missed a medal, his performance captured the nation’s attention. Milkha Singh’s journey is a testament to his resilience in the face of hardship and initial ridicule. His determination and hard work not only earned him success on the track but also turned him into an inspirational figure for many.

It is quite surprising that while many of us learn to respect others, we often overlook the importance of learning to accept ourselves. The first step is to learn to respect yourself.

Human life is a journey from imperfection to perfection. Throughout this journey, people experiment, make mistakes, learn from them, and try again with a more mature attitude. Everyone is on this shared path. It is essential to remember that making mistakes is a part of being human.

While critical analysis can be beneficial at times, it is important to note that outright criticism, whether directed at others or yourself, is not constructive. And it has negative impact on them.

Imagine you are going to a party in a part of town you do not know well. You make a few wrong turns, ask for directions, and end up arriving later than planned. But once you are at the party, all the earlier stress just fades away.

Did you observe that most people you asked for directions did not laugh at you during this process? The reason is they were strangers who empathized and helped when you sought assistance. However, upon reaching your destination, some individuals mock your late arrival. Why is that?

People exhibit hidden feelings like jealousy, hatred, and greed towards each other, possibly stemming from their nature or past experiences. It is a sad reality that even known and close individuals may sometimes make fun of each other. On the bright side, you will also encounter those who warmly greet you and genuinely feel happy to see you. Who are these people?”

These are individuals who thrive in a positive and healthy environment, always treating others with courtesy and honesty. People with such values refrain from criticizing and taunting others.

It is crucial to recognize that people’s behaviour often mirrors their own insecurities and biases rather than accurately reflecting your worth. Here are some strategies to consider.

Here are a few things to remember how to deal with people who laugh and criticize you:

1 Do not feel shy of failures: 

If you have failed at any time in life, then the most important thing is that you tried. You can achieve success by learning from mistakes and working with better strategies. Embracing failures as learning experiences is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. Failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success.

people laugh at me

It provides valuable insights, teaches resilience, and helps refine strategies for future endeavors. Recognizing the lessons within failures and using them to improve oneself is a key element in the journey toward success. Remember, failure is not a reflection of your worth, but rather an opportunity to evolve and move forward with newfound wisdom.

2 Accept Criticism with a positive attitude-

The person who takes criticism as his learning tool moves faster towards his goal. People who are critical of others, are teachers to let people know their shortcomings.

Focus on building your self-confidence and self-esteem. When you feel secure about yourself, the opinions of others will not affect you as much. You will know how to deal with people who laugh and criticize you.

 So be mentally ready to accept the criticisms with a positive attitude.

3 People who criticize are not respectable

It is not worthwhile to feel low on criticism. The reason for this is that the people who make fun of others lack human values. Their behaviour is not respectable. Once you are aware of this fact, you will not face low self-esteem and confidence.

4 Ignore the people who criticize you-

You should not react to the people who laugh at you. Do never try to convince them. Just ignore them assertively. Show by your gesture that you are not affected by their behaviour.

Hence, focus only on the good and positive things in your life. Forgive and forget the negative people in your life. Life is a gift to us, do not spoil it over unpleasant things.

5 Assess the Situation:

Take a step back and objectively assess the situation. Are people truly laughing at you, or is it possible that you are misinterpreting them? Sometimes, people might be laughing about something unrelated.

6 React Calmly:

If you feel comfortable, you can respond with humour with a light hearted attitude. This can help defuse the situation and show that you are not affected by their behaviour.

7 Ignore Negative Reactions to deal with people who laugh and criticize you.

If you believe that people are laughing without any valid reason, it is best to ignore their behaviour. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and the opinions of those who truly matter.

8 Seek Support:

Talk to friends, family members, or a counsellor about your feelings. They can provide you with perspective, reassurance, and advice on how to handle such situations.

9 Engage in Activities:

Engaging in activities you enjoy and surrounding yourself with supportive people can boost your confidence and help you feel more secure.

10 Mindfulness and Self-Care:

Practicing mindfulness and self-care can help you manage your reactions to negative situations. Meditation, deep breathing, and positive affirmations can be beneficial.

11 Educate Yourself:

Learn about the psychological reasons behind why people laugh and try to understand that their behavior may not be a direct reflection of your worth.

12 Focus on Positivity:

Shift your focus to positive aspects of your life, your achievements, and the things that make you happy. Positive thinking can help counteract negative feelings.

13 Professional Help:

If feelings of being laughed at are causing significant distress, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. They can provide guidance and coping strategies.

Remember that you have the power to control your reactions and mindset in such situations. While it is natural to feel hurt by negative behaviours, developing emotional resilience can empower you to rise above them.  

Here are a few practical situations and strategies to know How to deal people laugh or criticize at others

1. Public Speaking:

Imagine you are giving a presentation, and people start laughing during your speech. To handle this situation:

Stay Composed:

Take a deep breath and stay composed. Remember that people often laugh due to nervousness or finding something funny, not necessarily to mock you.

Pause Gracefully:

Pause briefly, allowing the laughter to subside. Maintain eye contact and a confident posture.

Address It Lightly:

If appropriate, you can acknowledge the laughter with humour. For example, you might say, “I see I have managed to bring some humour to the room! Let us continue…”

Focus on Content:

Shift your focus back to the content of your presentation. Engage the audience with compelling points, diverting their attention from the laughter.

2. Social Gatherings:

Suppose you are in a social setting, and people laugh when you share something about yourself. Here is how to handle it:

Stay Confident:

Maintain your confidence and do not let the laughter shake you. Remember that people’s reactions are subjective and do not define your worth.

Smile and Continue:

Smile, showing that you are unaffected. Continue the conversation or topic you were discussing.

Redirect the Conversation:

If the topic becomes uncomfortable, gracefully shift the conversation to something neutral or positive.

Share Relatable Experiences:

Share relatable experiences that others can empathize with, reducing the chance of being laughed at.

3. Artistic Expression:

Consider you are sharing a creative project, and someone reacts with laughter. Here is how to manage the situation:

Stay Open-Minded:

Be open to different reactions to your creative work, including laughter. People may have varied interpretations.

Ask for Feedback:

Inquire about what specifically caused laughter. Use this feedback constructively to refine your work.

Explain Your Intent:

If the laughter stems from a misunderstanding, clarify your artistic intent. This can help others appreciate your work better.

Own Your Expression:

Embrace your creativity and its uniqueness. Confidence in your artistic expression can deter potential mockery.

4. Self-Deprecating Humour:

Suppose you use self-deprecating humour, but people start laughing in a way that seems hurtful. Here is how to navigate this situation:

Read the Room:

Gauge the audience’s reaction. If the laughter feels mean-spirited, consider adjusting your approach.

Reevaluate Humour:

Reflect on the type of self-deprecating humour you are using. Focus on light hearted aspects that does not target your vulnerabilities.

Set Boundaries:

If you feel uncomfortable, kindly assert your boundaries. You can say, “I am all for humour, but let us keep it respectful.”

Remember, the key is to remain confident and composed. In most cases, people’s laughter is not necessarily aimed at you but could stem from various factors. Adapt your response based on the situation, but always prioritize your self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Here is a real-life example of how someone handled a situation where they felt people were laughing at them:


Social Gathering Misunderstanding

Situation: Madhu, a university student, attended a social gathering with a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces. During a group conversation, she shared an anecdote that she thought was funny, but she noticed a few people chuckling and exchanging looks.


Stay Calm:

Madhu felt a bit self-conscious when she noticed the laughter, but she reminded herself that people’s reactions can be complex and not always negative.

Reflect on the Context:

Instead of jumping to conclusions, she considered the possibility that the laughter might not be directed at her. It could be related to something else in the conversation or someone’s own thoughts.

Redirect the Conversation: To ease her discomfort, Madhu decided to steer the conversation in a slightly different direction. She asked a question related to a neutral topic, helping everyone shift their focus.

Self-Deprecating Humor:

After the conversation had moved on, Madhu playfully said, “I guess that story wasn’t as funny as I thought!” This light-hearted comment showed that she was able to laugh at herself and acknowledge the situation without dwelling on it.

Engage in Other Conversations:

Throughout the event, Madhu mingled with different groups of people, engaging in various discussions. This helped her realize that social dynamics can be intricate, and not every interaction carries the same weight.

Build Connections:

Towards the end of the gathering, Madhu connected with a few people one-on-one. These more personal conversations allowed her to develop deeper connections and gain insights into individual personalities.

Positive Takeaway:

As the event concluded, Madhu realized that social gatherings can be full of nuances. She learned not to let a single moment define her experience and that perceptions are often shaped by multiple factors.

In this scenario, Madhu’s ability to stay composed, employ humor, and navigate the situation with a positive outlook allowed her to enjoy the event despite an initial uncomfortable moment.

It is a testament to how a thoughtful and resilient response can make a difference in handling such situations.

Conclusion – How to deal people laugh or criticize at others

When faced with the situation of someone laughing at you, It is natural to question the underlying meaning of their laughter. Whether the laughter seems to have no apparent reason or arises when they see you, it can evoke a mix of emotions.

Responding to such instances can be a challenge, and finding the best approach requires careful consideration. In these situations, understanding the possible implications of someone’s laughter is essential.

It might be a harmless display of amusement, but it could also be more complex, requiring a nuanced response. Crafting the ideal reply when someone laughs at you depends on your personal style and the context.

Playful responses like, “Did I miss something?” or “What’s the joke?” can help navigate these situations with grace. The discomfort of strangers laughing at you or the feeling that everyone is laughing at you is a common experience.

Addressing these concerns requires introspection and self-compassion. Recognizing the fear of being laughed at is an important step towards growth and self-assurance.

Similarly, the tendency to perceive people laughing at you might be rooted in deeper feelings of self-consciousness or insecurity. Confronting the question of whether someone is laughing at you or with you can be tricky.

Differentiating between the two often involves considering the intentions behind the laughter and the dynamics of your relationship with the person. When responding to laughter, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Some people suggest laughing along, while others recommend empathetically addressing the situation. There is a range of advice on handling laughter directed at you. Some advocate for laughing back, as it diminishes the power of malicious intent.

Others propose addressing the situation directly, inviting conversation and understanding. Regardless of the approach, it is crucial to choose a response that resonates with your values and personal comfort.

Take away- How to deal people laugh or criticize at others

In summary, the interpretation of laughter and the appropriate response depend on a multitude of factors. While It is natural to seek guidance and reassurance, your reaction should be authentic and empowering. Whether you choose to engage in playful banter, address the issue calmly, or simply move forward confidently, your response should reflect your uniqueness and allow you to navigate these situations with poise.

Identify many beautiful and useful things around you, embrace them and forget everything wrong in your life.

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Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

Picture of Anshu Shrivastava

Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

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