Parenting tips to teach your children traffic rules.

children demonstrating traffic rules - Parenting Tips


Stop slowly at road junctions, intersections, pedestrian crossings and street corners and wait until you are confident of a clear path.

Parenting tips to teach your children traffic rules and driving safely.

Whenever we are on the road and some other vehicles cut our lanes in the crowd, we always say –

“Why cannot they learn to drive?” 

But what if we are not driving correctly or are refusing to follow traffic rules.

Sometimes due to lack of knowledge, we do not follow traffic rules.

One should always be aware of road safety rules and signs before driving a vehicle.

This is not only when we are driving on the road, but we should be aware of the safety rules even if we are not driving. Pedestrians should be aware of the traffic rules for safe walking on the roads.

It is good if parents teach their children about traffic rules. Knowing about road safety rules at an early age will make children’s lives safe on the roads.

Following are some of the safety measures to be taken while driving on the road.

Indian law expects people to follow these rules.

1 It is to remember that the minimum age for driving a vehicle at 18

2 Driving a vehicle without a license is a severe offence. It is compulsory to have insurance for your vehicle.

3 Seatbelt – There is a reason car manufacturers provide seat belts. Use seat belts in the front seats as well as the rear seats.

It is often seen that people are resistant to tying seat belts sitting in the back seats because they find them useless. But seat belts act as lifesavers when accidents occur.

4 Wearing helmets while driving a two-wheeler is compulsory. This rule is for the safety of people at the time of accidents. People should use government-prescribed helmets and must tie the strap while driving to get complete protection at the time of disasters.

People sitting in the back seat should wear helmets for their safety.

The government of India has made strict amendments to traffic rules effective from 1st September 2019.

Similarly, over-speeding, rash and reckless driving are serious offences. Therefore, one should be aware of the speed limit while driving.

5 Driving under the influence of alcohol is another serious offence.

6 Maintaining lane discipline is of utmost importance.

7 Traffic rules are for the safety of people who are driving as well as pedestrians. People are not supposed to drive in the wrong direction on a one-way road.

8 One must take utmost care while choosing a U-turn.

9 There should be proper number plates on your vehicle.

10 People should not use headlights/taillights or high beams when it is not necessary

11 It is punishable to drive without a horn or have a fancy horn that distracts others.

12 It is wrong to jump from signals or not comply with the traffic signal. Likewise, if you want to turn right or left, it is necessary to give a proper indication to other vehicles.

13 When the traffic signals are not working, the traffic policeman takes over to control the traffic. It is wrong to disregard a traffic police officer by not following his instructions.

14 According to the rules, one should overtake from the right-hand side alone. Similarly, it is the duty of the vehicle ahead to give way to other vehicles.

15 One should avoid using a mobile phone and playing music while driving because both are significant distractions.

16 People should not park their vehicles in the ‘No parking zone‘ and should never leave the car when the engine is on.

17 A two-wheeler should have a proper silencer to avoid unnecessary noise pollution. And it is also necessary to possess a Pollution under control certificate.

18 Everyone must avoid unnecessary honking. Honking in a ‘Silence Zone‘ such as schools and hospitals is an offence.

19 Avoid using phones on the road. One needs to have a sharp ear on the road so that you can hear horns.

20 When you need to turn left on your way to your destination, slow down your pace and keep to the left of the road you are leaving. You should also be on the left side of the road you are entering.

Similarly, if you are turning to the right, place your vehicle on the right side of the road you are leaving and on the left side of the road, you are entering.

Beware of upcoming two-wheelers while turning to the right because two-wheelers accelerate must faster than larger vehicles.

22 Stop slowly at road junctions, intersections, pedestrian crossings and street corners and wait until you are confident of a clear path.

23 Hand signals are required at certain times. When slowing down, stretch the palm of your right hand down and swing it up and down. While stopping, lift your forearms out of the vehicle.

On changing the lane to the right-hand side, spread your right arm straight, keep the palm in front. When turning left or turning the lane to the left-hand side, extend your right arm and turn it in an anti-clockwise direction.

To allow the vehicle behind you to overtake, turn your right arm backwards and forwards in a semi-circular motion.

It is better to use direction indicators than hand singles and both in case of any emergency.

24 Do not cross the painted stop line on the road when you stop at a road junction or intersection or pedestrian crossing. Under no circumstances should you have a stationary vehicle project beyond this line.

25 While driving on hills, vehicles should give way to the vehicles coming from downhill. If the road is not wide enough, pull your vehicle to a stop on the side of the road and allow the driver to go up first.

26 Never engage in Zig-Zag driving, especially on two-wheel vehicles. This is not only dangerous for you, but also for others.

The motorcycle has high-speed power.

Do not misuse it. Do not overtake when it is not necessary.

Remember, even a slight bump at high speed can be risky for you.

27 Rules regarding cyclists and bikers- When overtaking cyclists, large vehicles should leave at least one-meter clearance.

Do not attempt to share the lane with them.

Be cautious when you are about to get out of your car.

Check the cyclist or scooter to avoid opening your door on your way. Children on a bicycle can also be unpredictable. Take extra care of them.

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Traffic Rules while driving on the highways-

  1. One must remember to take proper rest before pushing on highways. Always drive in active mode. Do not drive when you are tired or sleepy. And remember never to drive when you are drunk.

Take a break when you are tired of driving and recharge yourself by taking small refreshments.

2. Your vehicle must be well maintained as engine failure can cause accidents. You must have all the necessary papers and some car equipment.

3. The wing mirrors and the rear-view mirror should be left open to have a clear view from behind.

4 When you cannot see the clear road ahead, do not overtake the vehicle. If you are sure of a clear road ahead, signalling by horn or night lights is necessary to avoid accidents while overtaking.

5 Keep a minimum distance between your car and the one ahead of you.

6 Make sure you drive your vehicle in one lane only because it can be confusing for those following you if you keep changing lanes.

7 Use indicator – It makes driving smooth for someone behind you.

8. Drive within the safe speed limits. 

9 You should use seat belts on the front seats as well as the rear seats.

 10 If possible one should drive in the afternoon and not at night because daytime driving is safer. Feeling sleepy and fatigued at night is a common feature.

Visibility is always better at night. If possible, drive in the afternoon and not at night because driving is safe during the day. It is common to feel sleepy and tired at night. Visibility during the day is always better.

Traffic Signals set by the Government of India

The red signal is to stop before the stop line at the intersection.

Amber light gives time to clear the road.

Greenlight is the go signal. You should proceed if you find the road is clear before you.

Arrow Signals– Proceed with caution in the direction indicated by the arrows.

Remember that you should take yields for all pedestrians and vehicles already at the intersection.

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Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

Picture of Anshu Shrivastava

Anshu Shrivastava

Hi, my name is Anshu Shrivastava, founder of I write blogs on various topics of parenting on this website. I aim to provide parenting tips, especially for the parents of teenagers and College Students.

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